By: Cayman Terbrock
I started therapy in the eighth grade after telling my parents the struggles with mental health I had been dealing with. Although they didn’t understand my problems, my mom suggested I start therapy and I agreed. It’s an amazing place to just get things out that you’ve been holding in for so long. Both of my therapists have previously worked in high schools or middle schools, so they know a lot about the struggles teenagers go through in school. Having a therapist allows you to talk about things you wouldn’t talk about with your friends or parents. Not only are they a great listening ear, but they help you find solutions to your problems. Medication paired with therapy has made my life so much better. With both, I can challenge my thoughts and be more optimistic. Although I’ll always have problems with my parents and school, I can deal with them much better and not get extremely depressed to the point of suicidal ideation again. Since 2020, which included moving to a whole new state and leaving behind all my friends, I’ve had a new therapist in Missouri who suggested I take medication along with therapy. After I started doing both my mood has been so much better. Therapy asks the real questions you forget to ask yourself and medicine helps your brain understand, answer, and solve those questions.
I suggest therapy for everyone, and medication for those who are dealing with mental health issues daily. It has helped me so much. I was scared at first, as I guess many people would be, but overcoming that fear is the first step to overcoming the rest. I wish the best for everyone!