About Us
2024 - 2025 Officers!
Our President

Sofia Mateen

Carolina McCoy
Ali Malik

Event Planner

Nate Mitchell
Media Manager

Thao Nguyen
Katie Paterson
Content Creator

Avery Lindsey
About Us
Our Founders

Nithya Cheemalamarri

Sriya Cheemalamarri

Laasya Mallela
1) What is your club’s mission?
Our club’s ultimate goal is to establish a sense of community within the school while also promoting the importance of mental health through various fun and engaging discussions, socials, activities, and guest speakers.
2) What do meetings look like for your club? (How often/what do you typically do)
We meet monthly. Typically, our meetings will be educational/ informative (guest speakers, presentations, games or trivia on mental health), as well as interactive discussions or socials to encourage social connections and learn about mental health.
3) Why would you recommend for someone else to join?
Lots of teenagers, especially in a competitive and all-rounded school like Seven Lakes, often face problems regarding stress and mental health. Unfortunately, mental health has a huge stigma around it. We are the first mental health awareness club in Katy-ISD, and with close partnership with our lead counselor, Mrs. Petersen, we are able to provide our members with engaging events around a topic which should be discussed more widely. We recommend our fellow Spartans to join to not only engage in open and active discussions around eliminating the stigma, but also to get the opportunity to participate in educational and interactive events! Not only do you get to expand upon your knowledge, you also get to meet new people and relieve your stress to manage your well being.
4) What sets motivating minds apart from other clubs at SLHS?
Motivating minds is a unique club as it is the only club at SLHS that openly discusses all types of mental health conditions and provides stress relieving activities to make a safe space for students. We are the first mental health awareness club in Katy ISD, and many members have the opportunity to make new friends, learn new topics, share their experiences, and relieve their stress. This club is not just educational but also functions as a stress-reliever and safe space for anyone. We also have many guest speakers who specialize in psychology and provide valuable information about mental health and stress relieving/self care techniques.
5) is there anything else you’d like to add?
We are so grateful to be the co-founders/co-presidents of the first Mental Health Awareness club in Katy-ISD! It is so fulfilling to see that we gained so much interest, just within a couple of months since our establishment in October of 2020! We are so glad to be helping our fellow Spartans, by not only talking and ending the stigma around mental health among teenagers, but also helping them cope with stress and meet new people in a safe space through our club. We greatly appreciate all of our members and our incredible sponsor for making this a huge success!